I have found that when I’m not doing something that I said I would do, I also find that it’s because of one of three reasons:

I don’t want it bad enough.

I don’t have someone in my corner.

I haven’t signed up for something.

Let’s break these three things down and I’ll tell you what I think is the most important to get YOURSELF MOVING ALREADY.

Look, this is ok. Sometimes it’s just not something you’re passionate about. Just admit it and move on. I don’t have a twelve pack because I don’t want it bad enough. I don’t want to put forth the discipline and nutrition regimen it takes to see every ab muscle in my stomach. So I’ll take my two-pack and enjoy my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every now and then. But don’t say you want to lose weight, or improve your marriage, or save up money, then allow your actions to completely show otherwise.  Because then, I’ll say you don’t want it bad enough.

Ok, ok, let’s give you the benefit of the doubt. Maybe you do want it bad enough, but you’re recognizing that willpower is not enough. So here are the next two things you need to look at.

In one of the chapters in my book, Conversations With Gio, I talk about the success tip of Being A Coach and Being Coachable. God has placed people in our lives, like our kids, that we are an example for and need to coach. He’s also challenged us to keep pursuing personal development from Him and each other. “Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance,” (Prov 1:5).

No matter where we are at in life, we all  need coaches. This doesn’t have to be a professional. Just someone that believes in us, knows we can do it, and voices their encouragement. Almost without a doubt you have somebody in your life that wants you to succeed at whatever it is your heart desires. Enlist that family member, friend, fitness coach, whoever it is, to hold you accountable and more than anything, push you along your journey. “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11)

You need someone in your corner. So if you don’t have someone, start looking around. But even if you want something bad enough, or have others rooting you on, there still may be something else you haven’t done yet.

A huge motivator for every human being is to SIGN UP FOR SOMETHING. For me, even if I sign up for something as simple as a 5k run every few months, my motivation stays high in the gym to prepare for my best. None of us want to do less than what we expect of ourselves.

Maybe you have been talking about starting your own business for years.  It’s time to sign up for that entrepreneur’s workshop to get you moving in the right direction.

Maybe you want to write your own book.  It’s time to sign up for that author’s club.

Maybe you’re stagnant in your faith and need rejuvenated.  It’s time to sign up for that Life Group at church.

In my opinion, out of these three things I think the easiest fix is to just sign up for something already. Get online, go to that website, access that membership, join that network, sign up for that race, join that Facebook group, email that pastor, call that place.  Whether you’re ready or not. Just sign up.  It’s one of the easiest action steps for you to take.

Then watch what happens.

You better believe you’ll put the next two steps in place to help you succeed. You’ll find that person or multiple people to get in your corner, and if you didn’t want it bad enough before, you definitely will now.

Here, need a fitness related goal to sign up for:

SMILES FOR SOPHIE FOREVER 5K JULY 4 (registration open)
HITMAN CHALLENGE AUG 13 (registration open soon)


Coach Theo